Student Life
Beyond the Classroom
The Student Life Office at AWHS is the vibrant heart of our community, where student engagement and leadership come to life.
Serving as a hub of activity, the Student Life Office oversees a wide array of programs that enrich the student experience and foster a strong sense of belonging. From organizing student council and leadership initiatives to coordinating spirit days and other school-wide efforts, the Student Life office plays a pivotal role in shaping the social fabric of our school. It is the central point for managing the numerous clubs and activities that cater to the diverse interests of our students, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate, lead, and grow. Whether planning a school-wide event, leading a service project, or simply finding a place to connect with peers, the Student Life office is where students come together to make their mark on our school community.
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Bishops Block
Bishops Block at AWHS is a key part of our student experience, providing a mid-day period for students to explore over 100 clubs and activities or seek extra academic help. This flexible schedule supports both personal interests and academic needs, accommodating those with after-school commitments.
Faith and Service
Guided by Catholic values, the AWHS Service Program encourages students to use their gifts to help others. This program fosters social awareness and moral responsibility, ensuring students engage with and serve their communities as part of their education.