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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

The Williams Fund

Our annual fund - The Williams Fund - plays a crucial role in sustaining the vitality and growth of our school by providing essential financial support that enhances the educational experience.

Contributions help maintain and improve facilities, support innovative programs, and ensure that our school can offer financial aid to deserving students. Gifts to this unrestricted fund are a direct investment in the future of our students and the continued excellence of our school’s mission. The generous contributions we receive uphold the values and traditions of our faith-based education and ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive in a nurturing and supportive environment.

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Ways to Give

Explore the many ways to make a meaningful contribution to Archbishop Williams High School.


The Williams Society

The premier giving society of those who contribute $1,000 or more annually.


Your Contributions Make a Difference


of campus renovations made in the past ten years


students benefit from your support everyday while attending AWHS

As an alumnus of Archbishop Williams, I have seen firsthand the profound impact this school has on shaping young lives. I donate because I believe in giving back to the community that gave me so much, ensuring that future generations have access to the same life-changing education and values that guided me throughout my life.Dennis M. Dugan, Jr., Esq. '70  President of Archbishop Williams High School

Meet the Advancement Team

Dennis Duggan

Dennis Duggan

President & CEO
Kathy Keefe

Kathy Keefe

Alumni Relations & Annual Fund Manager
Marybeth Kelly

Marybeth Kelly

Advancement & Admissions Assistant
Heidi Mullaney

Heidi Mullaney

Chief Advancement Officer
Jamie Noonan

Jamie Noonan

Database Specialist
Michelle Parker

Michelle Parker

Communications Manager
Carlie Sheen

Carlie Sheen

Marketing & Communications Officer