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School & College Counseling

The AWHS School and College Counseling Department endeavors to foster the personal, social, academic, and spiritual growth of each student throughout his/her high school career.  As a college preparatory school, part of our mission is to prepare students for the next stage in their academic journey - entrance to higher education.

Who is My Student's Counselor?

Comprehensive and Confidential

AWHS counselors interact with students both individually and in group settings during all four years. Among the subjects addressed in these meetings are the academic progress of each student, as well as interpersonal relationships and personal issues, which may require a level of confidentiality. Confidentiality is an imperative and an integral part of establishing trust between the student and his/her counselor. All legal ramifications of confidentiality are observed by this office.

Yearly Counseling Curriculum

Upcoming Counseling Events

Transcript Request Form

Current students, please contact your guidance counselor for their most up to date grades and transcripts. 

Recent graduates, please use the button below to request a copy of your Archbishop Williams High School transcript.

Request Transcript 

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Meet Our School Counseling Staff

Daniel Cassely

Daniel Cassely

Director of College Counseling
Lori Clements

Lori Clements

Learning Specialist
Kelly Davoli

Kelly Davoli

Academic Dean
Luke Enos

Luke Enos

7th & 8th Grade School Counselor
Kara Kinsella

Kara Kinsella

Main Office & Guidance Support
Jill Nalick

Jill Nalick

Director of School Counseling
Emily Scoledge

Emily Scoledge

School & College Counselor
Victoria Stivaletta

Victoria Stivaletta

Adjustment Counselor