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Foreign Language Department

To affect proficiency in a foreign language, the Foreign Language Department has based its program on active communication, respect for foreign cultures and linguistic awareness.


The following objectives are achieved through various testing methods, both written and oral as well as through the use of technology and class discussions:

  • To provide an opportunity for each student to attain a level of modem foreign language proficiency consistent with his/her ability.
  • To develop a basic competency in our students over the first two-years, and further develop these skills in our third, fourth- and fifth-year.
  • To acquire proficiency in the four areas of language learning which are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • To increase student awareness of the long-range application of foreign languages in the rapidly expanding world marketplace
  • To provide exposure to cultural differences through field trips, foreign travel, and various classroom media
  • To incorporate into our academic curriculum, the practical applications for the student’s developing language skills, especially in the area of career awareness.

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Foreign Language Department Courses

Foreign Language Faculty